Simply search for and add ‘Parkview Church’ to your billing payee list at your bank. Your church envelope number will serve as your account number. The bank will be looking for a three or four digit number. If your envelope number is less than three digits, simply add one or two ‘zeros’ in front of your envelope number. For example, if your envelope number is 8, you would add two zeros so that it is 008. Tax receipts will be issued for these gifts in the same way as other giving methods. For further information you can contact our office administrator: info@parkviewchurch.ca. This program is set up with the following banks: Bank of Montreal, CIBC, Manulife Bank, Meridian, National Bank, PC Financial, Royal Bank, Scotiabank, Tangerine and TD Canada Trust.
To give by E-transfer, sign in to your bank’s online banking and follow the steps for Interac E-transfer. Add Parkview Church for the contact name and info@parkviewchurch.ca for the email address. You will need to set a security question and answer for the transfer. Please email info@parkviewchurch.ca to inform us of the answer to the security question when you process your transaction.